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新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行造成了前所未有的健康和经济后果. 美国现有的结构性壁垒.S., 由于当前的危机而变得更糟, have created profound racial inequalities — straining families’ economic mobility and restricting the U.S. 经济.  As decision-makers continue to develop policies and programs that support households and 小型企业 facing economic hardship and work toward an equitable recovery, 我们重点介绍了 澳博官方网站app研究所 以及澳博官方网站app的工作 政策Center to describe data-driven recovery policies to provide immediate support to those most impacted, as well as longer-term policies to increase the financial health and stability of households and 小型企业.

支持持续的经济救济,以应对新型冠状病毒肺炎对家庭的直接影响, 小型企业, 和社区. 

As policymakers are currently considering the ongoing impact of the pandemic and additional relief measures, 包括适当的水平和校准, 它们应在一揽子救济方案中纳入下列解决办法:

  • 政策makers should continue to extend and supplement unemployment benefits in order to support financial stability among jobless workers澳博官方网站app研究所 found unemployment benefits played an important role in maintaining household spending and wider macroeconomic stability and 发现的证据很少 that elevated levels of unemployment benefits discouraged jobless workers from returning to work.
  • 政策makers should consider flexible small business programs to address diminished expenditures on non-payroll expenses. 的 研究所发现 工资保障计划的收益通常足以支付3美元.8周的典型开销.  虽然这些努力为小企业提供了急需的支持, expenses across the sector remained materially lower in September 2020 than they were a year prior, suggesting that 小型企业 may be deferring payments to maintain cash liquidity and may be less well positioned for a recovery than financial health measures may indicate. Additional small business aid may be necessary to support businesses disproportionately impacted by 新型冠状病毒肺炎 that have deferred expenses but face looming challenges as payments come due.    
  •  取决于恢复的速度, policymakers should consider additional rental assistance funding to stabilize families facing continued economic hardship. 研究所研究 has found that even after accounting for government income supports in the form of expanded unemployment insurance (UI) and stimulus checks, 几乎四分之一的租房者的总收入下降了10%以上, 比新冠肺炎前出现这种幅度下降的比例还要大. Mortgage holders had similar likelihood to experience such a drop but had mortgage forbearance as an additional safety net.

Support longer-term household and small business financial health and resilience and ensure an equitable economic recovery.

  • Policies and programs that support increasing cash buffers to withstand financial volatility can improve families’ overall financial health and resilience.  家庭需要 大概是六周的实得收入 在流动资产方面,以抵御同时出现的收入下降和支出飙升. Sixty-five percent of families across age and income groups didn’t have enough in their checking or savings accounts pre-pandemic to weather such an event.
  • 改革失业保险计划的政策和项目, 扩大工人福利, and strengthen wages are necessary to support changing economic conditions and an evolving labor market.  研究所研究 正常情况下是这样的, UI减轻了家庭在失业时表现出的支出下降, 尤其是那些在失业前流动资产有限的人.  然而,在线平台经济的增长和 更广泛的临时工作 underscores the importance of expanded unemployment insurance during the pandemic and on a go-forward basis.
  • Policies and programs that boost income and liquid assets and address the underlying challenges Black and Latinx families face within the labor market can help close racial gaps in financial outcomes.  白人家庭平均收入的每一美元, 黑人家庭平均收入仅为71美分, and the median Latinx family earns 74 cents, and racial gaps in liquid assets are twice as large. 的 研究所估计 这相当于大约5美元的流动资产缓冲,000 to $6,000, 远远超过1美元,000 to $1,比黑人和拉丁裔家庭的平均收入多500美元, might enable Black and Latinx families to sustain their typical consumption levels through a job loss or major cash-flow event.
  • Policies and programs that promote equitable labor and financial outcomes can help close the gender wealth gap.  与白人男性相比, 黑人和拉丁裔女性的收入仅为每美元收入的58%和59%分别. 白人手中每一美元的流动资产, 黑人女性只有26美分,拉丁裔女性有37美分.  此外,女性拥有的企业 只占18% 主要依靠外部融资的小企业.  
  • Policies and programs that expand access to affordable housing and homeownership for underserved communities and provide necessary support to weather economic uncertainty provide important supports for cost-burdened households of color.  研究所研究 has found that renters were more likely than homeowners to have experienced job loss during the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic. 同时, 忍耐的房主 not only had lower labor income and much lower levels of liquid assets than those not in forbearance but had also experienced larger drops in their income and were more likely to have received jobless benefits. 
  • Policies and programs that target relief efforts at those most burdened by student loan debt remain a critical component of continued student loan policy solutions.  四分之一的家庭有义务支付7%以上的费用 他们的实得收入的一半用于偿还学生贷款, 比一般家庭在主要生活必需品上的花费还要多, 比如自付医疗费用和燃料.  与白人和拉丁裔学生贷款借款人相比, Black borrowers are less likely to be making progress on their loans and more likely to face a student debt “trap,,显示出更大的支付缺口和随着时间的推移而增加的贷款余额.
  • Policies and programs that boost cash liquidity and support 小型企业 in developing and maintaining a cash buffer will allow businesses to better weather financial shocks.  在大流行之前, 一半的小企业 had enough cash liquidity to cover roughly two or fewer weeks of expenses in the case of a disruption to inflows and many had irregular cash flows.